
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Surviving a Guided Meditation
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Sunday Jul 30, 2023
Guided meditations are a wonderful way to connect with your inner divinity. But what if you don’t visualize, or can’t get distracted and can’t follow the narrative? In this episode, taken from a live presentation, Rev. Deborah gives insight in how to go with the flow of a meditation rather than be in lock step with the narration. NOTE: this episode contains 2 mediations. Please do not drive a car or operate a backhoe while listening to this podcast.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Associate Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration group where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, natural intuitive, and founder of Mystical U online ministry.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Making Sense of Life
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Wednesday Jul 19, 2023
Have you ever caught yourself chasing information about something and don’t even know why? Maybe you just need to make sense of it. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips for these insights into why we spend so much time trying to make life make sense, and an exercise to help you let go and feel more comfortable with the ambiguity in your life.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Associate Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration group where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, natural intuitive, and founder of Mystical U online ministry.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
There’s Always Another Way
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
Wednesday Jul 12, 2023
We often get stuck in a situation because we can only see one way to resolve it, while the reality is that there are many paths to a solution. Tune in to this episode where Rev. Deborah Phillips discusses how to get unstuck and look at things from a different perspective because there is always another way to do something.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Associate Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration group on Tuesday mornings, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
“Get Over It” Isn’t a Thing
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
Wednesday Jul 05, 2023
The pandemic shutdown threw us all off balance and how we seem to now think we should be “over it.” But how often have you heard someone say, “Oh, just get over it,” and know that it isn’t that simple. In this episode, Rev. Deborah talks about how recovery is a process and offers two suggestions on how to move forward to find balance in our new world.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Associate Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration group on Tuesday mornings, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Yes, No, Wait
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
We want our answers, and we want them now. But that’s not always how life works. In this episode Rev. Deborah Phillips says that there are only three answers to each question: Yes, No, Wait. Listen in as she discusses how Yes or No can mean something different than you want and how make friends with your “waiting room” and become open to your highest good.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Time is on Your Side
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
Wednesday Jun 14, 2023
We treat time as an external force that controls our lives. Therefore, many of us feel as if there is not time enough in the day to do what we need to do. But it is possible to live life on your own terms and not be run by the clock or calendar. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips as she discusses the difference between managing your time and organizing your flow.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Thursday May 04, 2023
The Gifts of Art Therapy with Anna Renee - WOW Wednesday with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Art Therapy is a professional discipline that approaches art base on the work of psychoanalysis. As Anna Renee Hiscox grew in her experience working with clients, she realized that the language she was using did not necessarily help them. Rev. Deborah Phillips sits down with Dr. Hiscox to learn how, as she became her more authentic self, she changed her practice into one that creates a sacred space where clients can safely and effectively be comforted and healed.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Friday Apr 21, 2023
Surrender Is Not Failure
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Most of us live in a world of over-commitment, the world of “supposed to” Sometimes we just have to let something go and we feel as if we have failed in some way. Listen in as Rev. Deborah Phillips discusses why surrendering is actually a sign of spiritual maturity that improves both your outer and inner quality of life.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Five Words Without Meaning
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Wednesday Apr 05, 2023
Words are how we express ourselves, and by that self-expression we create our reality. Thus, it is important to be aware of what a word means to you so that you use it in the proper context of your intention. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips as she discusses why certain words have lost significant meaning simply because they have become “buzz” words, and how to restore their meaning in your life.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter

Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
The Path of the Storyteller
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Wednesday Mar 29, 2023
Humans live by story. We can, and do, tell our own stories. But sometimes we need to call on someone who has that special gift for relating a story. Rev. Deborah Phillips joins gifted photographer and storyteller Joella Aragon for a discussion about the creative impulse, how we are born into it and how we cultivate it to become our greatest selves. .
Joella Aragon is a retired elementary school teacher and labor union representative for the California Teachers Association. She spent much of her childhood traveling to different countries and parts of the United States with family and her immigrant father who was in the Air Force. Her fondest memories are from when she lived in British Honduras, now Belize, with her Mamacita Ella. She is a gifted artist, photographer, and storyteller.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minister currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within, and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is a minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter