
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Endless Opportunities | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
Wednesday Jan 26, 2022
As we move through the different stages/decades of our lives, we might begin to question what we are doing, or panic because we turned 40 and haven’t done what we think we should. In Endless Opportunities, Rev. Deborah Phillips, reminds us that we are unfinished projects and this feeling of restlessness, of wanting to be more, is a call from our Self. It is a message from the Soul inviting us to look within to discover, and act, from our highest, divine Self.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
You Are Enough | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
Wednesday Jan 19, 2022
We come into the world whole and complete. Then we spend the rest of our lives trying to prove that we are “good enough.” Join Rev. Deborah Phillips for some thoughts on why we go down the path of proving our worth when we were never worthless in the first place and gain insights on how recover the sense of enough-ness that is our divine inheritance.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Shadow & Light: The Path of Love | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Wednesday Jan 12, 2022
Dr. Carl Jung offered the idea that we have a shadow side to our consciousness and, unfortunately, the shadow is misinterpreted as only holding our faults. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips as she explains the benefits of contrast – how we need shadow and light to show us where we are, that contrast give us our bearings, and why learning to love and integrate our shadow side sets us on the path of love.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
One Moment of Joy | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
Wednesday Jan 05, 2022
“Positive thinking” seems to imply that if you simply pretend that everything is OK life will be perfect. This, of course, is a gross misunderstanding of the concept. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips as she describes the art of recognizing moments of joy even in the most challenging of circumstances. She shares examples that show us these moments of joy may be fleeting, but they allow hope to float up so even one moment of joy can keep us going for days.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
What Do You Really Want? | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
We say that if you want something deeply enough, you can bring it into your life. But it doesn’t always work like that. In this discussion, Rev. Deborah Phillips explains how we get caught up in what we don’t want which allows fear to take over. She offers insights into ways to dissolve the fear and discover what you really want in life. Try it, you might be surprised at what you discover about your Self.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Are You an Empath or a Sympath? | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
Wednesday Dec 22, 2021
If you have empathy, you are an empath so logically, having sympathy should make you a “sympath.” Join Rev. Deborah Phillips to learn how understanding the difference between empathy and sympathy can help you navigate the sea of emotions and feelings that we all live in and share.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
Wednesday Dec 15, 2021
In this episode, Rev. Deborah explains that, while Life is a process that leads from one experience to another and offers no actual destination, it is possible to find special moments, sweet-spots, that allow you to acknowledge and celebrate your accomplishments.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
”Life is an Illusion, or Is it?” | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
Wednesday Dec 01, 2021
In this episode, Rev. Deborah addresses the common metaphysical idea that life is just an illusion. She says that relegating life to mere illusion causes us to invalidate our feelings and experiences, thus invalidating our Selves. She then offers us a new perspective on life as illusion that strengthens us and moves us forward.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Wednesday Nov 24, 2021
Berne Brown says that just having an attitude of gratitude is not enough. We do not know real gratitude until we can feel it in our hearts. Rev. Deborah Phillips beleives that Gratitude is the deepest value of thank you, it is an intimate feeling. So rather than talking about gratitude, she offers a deep meditation to help ignite the gratitude that lives in your heart. There is an introduction that offers you time to prepare for mediation. Please do not listen to the meditation section if you are driving.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Wednesday Nov 17, 2021
Ideally inner transformation is a slow process that allows you to integrate the changes that are taking place. During this time, it is not unusual to feel irritable and out of sync with the world around you. In this episode called Transformation and the Irritability Factor, Rev. Deborah Phillips explains that this phenomenon is common. She offers suggestions for coping with that twitchy feeling until you integrate your changes and are once again at peace with your world.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.