
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
”Cultivating Patience” | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
Wednesday Nov 03, 2021
We live in a “I want it and I want it now!” world and when we don’t get it, we become stressed and unhappy.Cultivating Patience with Rev. Deborah Phillips looks at why we are so impatient and what that impatience does to us, both emotionally and spiritually. Tune in to learn how to make patience, the art of allowing, an integral part of your internal process.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
”The Art of Procrastination” | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Why do we put things off, avoid doing what needs to be done? In "The Art of Procrastination," Rev. Deborah Phillips explores how our level of discomfort keeps us from taking action. In this discussion, she suggests that procrastination is not necessarily a bad thing, but can be used as a technique that allows us to open to higher guidance and direction. Tune in to learn how turning procrastination into an art allows us to stop beating our Selves up and get moving in the right direction.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
”Claiming Your Good” | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
Wednesday Oct 20, 2021
We claim something as ours each time we say “my” this or “my” that. And when we claim it, we get to keep it. This discussion by Rev. Deborah Phillips explains how we unconsciously claim things and situations to be our own when we really don’t want to keep them. Tune in to learn ways to consciously release the negative while joyfully claiming our highest good.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
”In the Beginning: Your Word” | Discovering Spirit Within with Rev. Deborah Phillips
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Wednesday Oct 13, 2021
Join Rev. Deborah Phillips for a discussion about how powerful and important our words are; that everything begins with our word. Being aware of what we say and how we say it improves our relationship with the world. Then she expands this idea into how we can improve our manifestation skills through the art of keeping our words to ourselves and only sharing with our most trusted of allies.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
Wednesday Oct 06, 2021
In the book, The Universal Christ, Richard Rhor uses Jesus as an example how we can be both wounded and resurrected, or whole, at the same time. Join Rev. Deborah Phillips as she discusses how we all carry wounds – psychological and emotional, yet function in the world. She offers suggestions how to work with the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain of a wounding experience to bring you into that balance space of being both- wounded and whole.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
Wednesday Sep 29, 2021
What is Grace? How do we talk about Grace? Join Rev. Deborah Phillips and Rev. Donna Apidone as they find their way through these questions. Listen as they discuss how Grace operates in their own lives and discover that Grace is that place where you just are and all is well no matter the circumstances.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Wednesday Sep 22, 2021
Most people think prosperity is only about money or material things. In this conversation, Rev. Deborah Phillips and Rev. Donna Apidone explore what prosperity really means and how we can listen to discover our internal abundance to bring joy and peace into our lives. The conclude that that prosperity is not limited to money but is an inner quality that tells us we are enough.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
Wednesday Sep 15, 2021
What is courage? Is courage different from bravery? In this conversation, Rev. Deborah Phillips and Rev. Donna Apidone use these questions to spark a deep conversation that leads to the insight that courage is not limited to so-called heroes; Courage is an everyday experience for everyday people. Courage comes from the heart and leads us into compassion for each other.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Wednesday Sep 08, 2021
Rev. Deborah and Rev. Donna Apidone consider that the heart is more than a symbol for Love. In this conversation they notice that the human heart is the first thing to start and last to stop, that it has an amazing power to direct our minds, and it is our door to compassion. Heart is not only something we have. Heart is our essence; it is who we ARE.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Wednesday Sep 01, 2021
Rev. Deborah and Rev. Donna Apidone investigate the idea that the world is an Orderly place. When we understand this, we awaken our ability to merge with the divine and co-create our reality. When we declare Divine Order and put our trust in the underlying Truth that guides us, our lives fall into place in ways that we could never imagine.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.