
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
A Clean Slate Rev. Deborah & Donna Apidone | Discovering Spirit Within
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
Wednesday Dec 30, 2020
This week Discovering Spirit Within Podcast offers A Clean Slate. Rev. Deborah Phillips is joined by Rev. Donna Apidone for a chat about new beginnings and the difference between resolutions and intentions.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Wednesday Dec 23, 2020
Come with us down memory lane as some of Discovering Spirit Within’s friends share their favorite Christmas memory. We know that not everyone celebrates Christmas or that, for many, Christmas was or is not a happy time. So I asked some people to share their best Christmas memory and to each one of you we say: “Here are our happy memories, please take one as your own and know that you are loved.”
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
It is December, the month of the winter Solstice, and a time when religious and non-religious alike celebrate the coming of the light. Join Jon Merriman and Rev. Deborah Phillips as they discuss the spiritual metaphor of rising up out of the dark and into the light as a way to navigate difficult and challenging times.
Jon Merriman has been a musician in the Sacramento area for over 30 years best known for his unique style of playing solo acoustic guitar; however, what is not known by many who follow his music, is that he and his wife Stephanie own and operate Merriman Management Support a national management training company that specialized in training managers for natural food grocery co-ops around the country.
Although his work keeps him busy, at the center of his life had been his on-going quest to develop a deeper relationship with the spiritual world. Having been visited many times by spiritual beings as a young child, he has walked a lifelong path of exploration in search of answers to the deepest questions of life that we all face.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
In this episode of Discovering Spirit Within, Frank and Rev. Deborah acknowledge that simply saying that 2020 has been a tough year isn’t quite enough. We discuss how to move from sitting in the dark and complaining to embracing the dark, and evolving our way back through to the light. This is an important conversation, because in New Thought there is a tendency for us to gloss over the hard or dark times and only focus on the light, when we really need to be integrating the two experiences. At 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9 Frank will offer a ceremony via Zoom to allow you to greet your losses and then release them by opening to Light.
Frank Castro-Wehr, lives with his wife Dyann in a Nevada City, CA.
Frank's biography consists of many interwoven threads. He studied chemistry, and then theology in Berkeley. He has been an EPA emergency responder, and currently an emergency management consultant, and at same time he has worked part time for the Franciscans in Integrity with Creation projects, Once with Unity, he was a YOU sponsor, Board Member, course teacher, Chaplain, Sunday speaker, then Ministerial student since 2017.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
Wednesday Dec 02, 2020
This week Discovering Spirit Within, my good friend Carol Knight joined me for a conversation about overcoming negativity. She wanted to know why, when something happens, even the most positive of us can lean toward catastrophic thinking. Carol is open and candid about her efforts to use New Thought teachings, and has a great sense of humor about her humanness and her search for spiritual understanding.
Carol Knight is a certified yoga teacher. For over 9 years she has been a popular teacher at Fusion Yoga in Sacramento. She recently moved to South Carolina where she continues to teach for Fusion via Zoom. You can find her class schedule at https://www.fusionyogasac.com/all_classes
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Thanksgiving is when we take time to express our gratitude for the blessings in our lives. This year, 2020, has been a trying one so Rev. James Trapp and I sat down to talk about how we can find gratitude and blessings when everything around us is changing. Rev. James offers insights into how to look within to find the real blessings in our lives and move forward with courage and confidence.
Rev. James Trapp is the Senior Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento, CA. He is a former CEO of Unity Wide World Ministries, a speaker, teacher, and the author of the book, Take Back Your Future, Get Unstuck and Create the Life You Want, Love, and Deserve which is available at Amazon.com.
Gratitude music by Stephen Sullivan.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Six years ago in October of 2014, I walked into my first Co-dependents Anonymous (CoDA) meeting. I felt broken and overwhelmed with my life. I was the eternal “yes” person, saying yes to my detriment. I wanted to please everyone else, wanted desperately to be liked and loved by others and made everyone else’s opinion more important than my own. My home life was shaky, my children were defiant, and I felt like there was something intrinsically wrong with me. I didn’t know how to set boundaries or ask for what I needed. I needed a change. I needed to change, and I didn’t know how. In that first meeting, I sat in astonishment as others spoke about my life, my feelings and my experience. It was as if they were telling my story. I knew I was in the right place at the right time just where I was meant to be. I cried the entire meeting.
CoDA is an anonymous twelve step program whose common purpose is to develop and maintain healthy and loving relationships with others and ourselves. The ONLY requirement for membership is this desire. This supportive program allowed me to become very honest with myself about my life, my choices and my codependent behavior that enabled others to overstep my boundaries and treat me the way I taught them to. We teach others how to treat us. Ultimately, helping me point the finger to the one person who could change my life, myself. With this knowledge, I went from blaming those around me to seeing that I was generating these experiences in my life. CoDA gave me the tools to see myself and my life clearly. The courage to look and face the Truth, and prepared me for my next steps, which include a daily prayer and meditation practice of cultivating self-love and acceptance. CoDA changed my life and I will remain eternally grateful. I am a much different person than I was 6 years ago thanks to CoDA! I am excited to discuss this awesome topic on November 4th with Rev Deborah Phillips and hope to contribute to your life in some way.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
Wednesday Nov 11, 2020
On today's podcast, Rev. Deborah Phillips and Sally Scion take An Insider’s Look at A Course in Miracles. Sally has been a student of ACIM (A Course In Miracles) for over 30 years. In this podcast she tells us how she came to be a student and facilitator of ACIM, then she offers up some her special insights in this popular spiritual teaching.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Is that voice in your head real or is it your imagination? In this conversation with Wade Edwards, we explore the idea that, though we all have an Inner Voice, we often ignore or resist it because we think we can do better on our own. Wade shares how trusting his intuition made him very successful in his career and then led him to become a spiritual teacher.
Wade Edwards has been part to the Sacrament Unity community since the 1980’s. He is a licensed Life Coach, licensed General Contractor, and Bowen Therapist. He lives with his partner in the Sacramento area.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
Wednesday Oct 28, 2020
We live in uncertain times, and often things don’t turn out the way we want them to. For example, an election can bring out the best in people... or not. Today, Rev. Donna Apidone and Rev. Deborah Philips discuss staying in our spirituality no matter what happens.
Donna Apidone is well-known for her work with CapRadio as host of Morning Edition and CapRadio Reads. She is also an interfaith minister, ordained in New York in 2009. She is a speaker at a half dozen congregations, and the teacher/designer of the TransForMission Path.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.