
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
The Sacred Witness
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Wednesday Jul 27, 2022
Do you want someone’s perspective, or do you want them to tell you that you are right? “The Sacred Witness” discusses what it means to simply witness another person’s story, without comment or judgement. The sacred act of listening provides the space for a person to tell their story, which if often the first step in healing a situation. Because sometimes all we really need is to feel heard and seen. Join Rev. Deborah for this take on being a witness.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Do It Anyway (Yeah, I Know)
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
Wednesday Jul 20, 2022
“Just Do It” has been around for a long time, so when you hear “Do It Anyway,” you might think it is just another way of saying the same thing, but there is a difference. In this episode, Rev. Deborah explores our motives behind what we do and encourages us to determine if our actions come from outside pressure or from within. She suggests that when we listen to our hearts, our souls, we develop the insight and courage to live from our highest Selves and stop worrying about what others might think.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
The Resonance Factor
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
Wednesday Jul 13, 2022
If someone is negative, we can walk away feeling that way too so many people believe that we “take on” other people’s energies. In this episode Rev. Deborah Phillips examines the idea that all life is vibrational and, while we don’t “catch” other energies, we do tend to vibrate, or resonate, with each other much as one bell ringing activates the one next to it. When we become aware of the Resonance Factor, we are better able to manage our own reactions and responses in a conscious way that improves our relationship to our Selves and the world.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
I Don’t Read the Script, I Just Pay Attention
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
How much of your life do you live on autopilot? Are you going through life following a script, never truly conscious of your actions?
In “I Don’t Read the Script, I Just Pay Attention,” Rev. Deborah Phillips talks about importance of becoming conscious of our automatic responses and the advantages of going off-script. This is when we take the helm and become experts on our own lives.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
It’s All in the Timing
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
Wednesday Jun 29, 2022
How often have you had something come together just after you let go of it then realized it was just a matter of timing? Or have you not understood something you read only to have meaning dawn on you a week later? Join Rev. Deborah for It’s All in the Timing, as she looks at why we need to take time to integrate new ideas before we can put them to use and that taking that time is not only ok, but a necessity if we want fully to realize our spiritual potential.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Enjoy Your Ego Trip
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Aren't I just the greatest? Yes, you are because not all ego trips are bad. In this episode, Enjoy Your Ego Trip, Reb. Deborah Phillips ponders the concept of Ego, its origins, and how overuse of the word can render it meaningless. She explains that we need Ego to function in this world and that there is a big difference between trying to destroy your ego and accepting it and refining it. Join Rev. Deborah for insights into how not to trip over your ego but use it to discover your highest Self.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
I Was Framed!
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
We are “framed” from the time we are born. We each perceive the world from our own frames of reference that come from our training and life experiences. And sometimes they hold us back. “I Was Framed” explores the question of how we can change our view of something. Does it mean that you pretend that “nothing happened?” Or is it about forgiveness, releasing blame, and understanding the difference between Facts and Truth? Join Rev. Deborah for insights into how re-framing can bring positive results into your life
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
No. (Is a Complete Sentence)
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
No. Nope. Nein. لأ. नहीं. Нет. 不.
Why yes, in whatever language you speak, 'No' is a complete sentence! In this episode, Rev. Deborah Phillips talks about the power and potency of simply saying 'No', and how we can get used to saying it without needing to justify ourselves, hearing it without judgment, and most importantly, why we don't need to apologize for saying 'No.'
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and natural intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wait, don't click away! We swear this isn't a scam! In this episode, Rev. Deborah Philips talks about the history of prosperity teachings in New Thought and what it truly means. Do you have everything that you need just for the moment? Is prosperity more than money, is it a state of mind? How do you get there? Tune into Become Prosperous in Less than 5 Minutes and find out how prosperity has more to do with how you think than what you have.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within and facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.

Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
We really shouldn't beat ourselves up for not understanding things before we've learned them. Why do we expect ourselves to know everything all at once? In this episode, Reverend Deborah discusses how our consciousness rules our knowledge about the world. Dive into this episode and learn about learning, the power of perception, and the existential terror of third grade.
Rev. Deborah Phillips is an ordained New Thought minster currently serving as Assistant Minister at Spiritual Life Center in Sacramento. She is the host of SLC’s podcast, Discovering Spirit Within. She facilitates a Spiritual Exploration discussion group on Thursdays, where she calls upon her 45 + years of New Thought practice to help people discover their unique and personal relationship with the Divine. She is minister, writer, artist, and nature intuitive.
Discovering Spirit Within, with Rev. Deborah Phillips is brought to you by Spiritual Life Center. Spiritual Life Center is an Interfaith, Unity community located in Sacramento, California for spiritual seekers and life explorers. We honor the many paths to God and support people of all faiths in learning and applying positive spiritual principles in their daily lives. Follow SLC on Instagram @spiritual.life.center and on Facebook at facebook.com/SpiritualLifeCenter.